Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Border Line Personality Disorder

A  girl of age 25 years gets married to a man aged 27 years. The girl is simple,shy and beautiful. The man is ambitious and works for a private company. They love each other. But the love of man was of different kind. The man takes cares of her wife and ask her that not to go anywhere and just stay in home. However he provides everything required by her wife. He always telephones her and ask that how is she?, Is there any problem? etc. The telephonic conversation had become a routine. One day the man called but the phone was not attended. He called several times but the phone was not picked. He became worried and by taking early leave from his office he reached home. Everything was alright and his wife was also OK. He asked her that why his phone was not attended?
Wife replied that she was out in market for some fruits.
He asked that I have said you not to move out of house. Then Why you stepped out?
The wife made him understand that she did this because it had been a long time since she had not visited outside.
The husband become aggressive and he bitten her harshly.
After some time he started crying and apologizes his wife for his wrong doings.
He felt very sorry for what he did with her.
After some days everything become normal again.
One day she again went against the order/advice of her husband.
Her husband again become violent. This time he burnt several parts of her with lighted cigarette.
After sometime the husband become normal and apologized again.
He was not acting, he was really sorry for what he did. He admits his mistake every time but can't control his aggressiveness and merciless biting.
His wife finding no way out went to her mother's house.
After few day the husband suicides and ends his life.

Is he possessive? or its his nature?

It was none. He was suffering from a psychological disorder which is called border line personality disorder.World Health Organisation calls it Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder.

What is Border Line Personality Disorder?

Border Line Personality Disorder is a personality disorder marked by a prolonged disturbance of personality function, characterized by unusual variability and depth of moods. These moods may secondarily affect cognition and interpersonal relations.

Its symptoms are:-

Person having unstable interpersonal relationships, effective distress, marked impulsivity, and unstable self-image. The negative emotional states specific to this disorder fall into four categories: destructive or self-destructive feelings; extreme feelings in general; feelings of fragmentation or lack of identity; and feelings of victimization accompanied by suicidal tendencies. It is also is linked to increased levels of chronic stress and conflict in romantic relationships, decreased satisfaction of romantic partners, abuse such as domestic violence. They behave as self destructing machines.

Its causes:-

Since this is disorder which is related to brain since it exact cause cannot be determined with full accuracy however childhood trauma, abandonment, abuse or neglect, however researches have suggested diverse possible causes, such as a genetic predisposition, neuro biological factors, environmental factors, or brain abnormalities. There is evidence that suggests that BPD and post traumatic stress diorder  are closely related. Evidence further suggests that BPD might result from a combination that can involve a traumatic childhood, a vulnerable temperament and stressful maturation events during adolescence or adulthood. However may be many causes or combination of all.
Summing up:-

The person suffering from this disorder develops a new personality totally different from his own personality in different situations(love,anger,sad,happy etc). These personality are however  appear temporary but can also kill the person and the person he loves because of development of other personality in him, he however fill with tremendous pain when he finds that he had hurt the person he loves. 

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