Sunday, July 22, 2012


(a pictorial representation of Kepler-22 system)

The search for knowledge had begun from the day we came on earth. The space or the extra terrestrial bodies were of deep interest to us. US & Russian Government spends billions of money on these explorations; However India is also not lagging behind.

We all know about the space research agency of US i.e. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration). NASA has recently confirmed that it had discovered a planet which is similar to earth.
The planet discovered was named as Kepler-22b. This planet is situated 600 light years (1 light year=9460730472580800 meters) from our earth and is situated in the Cygnus constellation.
The planet also has a star similar to our sun. The name of its sun is Kepler-22. The planet had period of 290 days and it is approximately 2.5 times larger than size of our earth. The temperature of the planet is around 22 degrees Celsius which is the temperature required for survival of living being. Phenomena like green house effect have been seen. The scientists are also saying that the planet has oceans like ours and may also have fresh water sources.

Why this discovery important for us?

Our earth is heavily populated and also over polluted by our activities. With the discovery of kepler-22b chances of human being settlements on that planet had increased. The habitat of that planet is same as our earth so we can expect for better living condition there. Now we have to move and pollute and populate that planet also (satire).

However research is on and we were expecting that this time it to a good news.

Lastly imagine what will happen if we would go to kepler-22b for spending our vacations or we chat with our relatives or friends who were there.

Hope u enjoyed reading?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Border Line Personality Disorder

A  girl of age 25 years gets married to a man aged 27 years. The girl is simple,shy and beautiful. The man is ambitious and works for a private company. They love each other. But the love of man was of different kind. The man takes cares of her wife and ask her that not to go anywhere and just stay in home. However he provides everything required by her wife. He always telephones her and ask that how is she?, Is there any problem? etc. The telephonic conversation had become a routine. One day the man called but the phone was not attended. He called several times but the phone was not picked. He became worried and by taking early leave from his office he reached home. Everything was alright and his wife was also OK. He asked her that why his phone was not attended?
Wife replied that she was out in market for some fruits.
He asked that I have said you not to move out of house. Then Why you stepped out?
The wife made him understand that she did this because it had been a long time since she had not visited outside.
The husband become aggressive and he bitten her harshly.
After some time he started crying and apologizes his wife for his wrong doings.
He felt very sorry for what he did with her.
After some days everything become normal again.
One day she again went against the order/advice of her husband.
Her husband again become violent. This time he burnt several parts of her with lighted cigarette.
After sometime the husband become normal and apologized again.
He was not acting, he was really sorry for what he did. He admits his mistake every time but can't control his aggressiveness and merciless biting.
His wife finding no way out went to her mother's house.
After few day the husband suicides and ends his life.

Is he possessive? or its his nature?

It was none. He was suffering from a psychological disorder which is called border line personality disorder.World Health Organisation calls it Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder.

What is Border Line Personality Disorder?

Border Line Personality Disorder is a personality disorder marked by a prolonged disturbance of personality function, characterized by unusual variability and depth of moods. These moods may secondarily affect cognition and interpersonal relations.

Its symptoms are:-

Person having unstable interpersonal relationships, effective distress, marked impulsivity, and unstable self-image. The negative emotional states specific to this disorder fall into four categories: destructive or self-destructive feelings; extreme feelings in general; feelings of fragmentation or lack of identity; and feelings of victimization accompanied by suicidal tendencies. It is also is linked to increased levels of chronic stress and conflict in romantic relationships, decreased satisfaction of romantic partners, abuse such as domestic violence. They behave as self destructing machines.

Its causes:-

Since this is disorder which is related to brain since it exact cause cannot be determined with full accuracy however childhood trauma, abandonment, abuse or neglect, however researches have suggested diverse possible causes, such as a genetic predisposition, neuro biological factors, environmental factors, or brain abnormalities. There is evidence that suggests that BPD and post traumatic stress diorder  are closely related. Evidence further suggests that BPD might result from a combination that can involve a traumatic childhood, a vulnerable temperament and stressful maturation events during adolescence or adulthood. However may be many causes or combination of all.
Summing up:-

The person suffering from this disorder develops a new personality totally different from his own personality in different situations(love,anger,sad,happy etc). These personality are however  appear temporary but can also kill the person and the person he loves because of development of other personality in him, he however fill with tremendous pain when he finds that he had hurt the person he loves. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Love(A Hard Bite)

"There are things which we don't want to happen but we have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn and people we can't live without but have to let go:'( "

It is easy to love someone but it is really hard of being loved by someone,harder to continue and hardest of break up. The memory you spent with the person whom you ever loved will follow you everywhere. The streets on which you both have walked together, the shop where you ever shopped or shared some delights and the placed where you spend some great moments will always always chase you. You become sad when you pass from that places. Everything became meaningless. You will always see your mobile whether there were some messages or not. You become upset when no messages are there. The pain will increase if you were in touch with his/her every moment  through message or other means. You had shared every thing with his/her through message but now it all over. The same things happens on the other side also.

Love is very good also. It is really one of the best moments of life, however it is like a coin which have both the sides. If you are in love you have to be ready for both heads and tails of the coin tossed. And you have to remember the coin to be tossed is not with with you, it's with god you tosses it every time.

Love is blessing of god but very few people were blessed. My advice is that please don't loose it ever because it will never be recovered. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

A cruel joke

(Photo above Montek Singh Ahluwalia)

Planning Commission is a non statutory body established on 15 March 1950 formulates and prepared 5 year plans for India. Respected prime minister of India is chairman of planning commission and there are some other members who are economists. Respected Montek singh Ahluwalia is the present vice chairman of Planning Commission. We all remember planning commission because few month ago it published figures of poverty line. The Planninig Commission had defined that a person earning Rs28 per day in rural areas is not poor and a person earning Rs32 in urban area is not poor. The figures presented by the Planning Commission is really hard to digest.

However people who are formulating these typical figures formulate these datum sitting in air conditioned room so they do not the real condition of poor.

The cruel joke began when the Planning Commission lavish expenses came in light by RTI reply received by an RTI applicant. The Planning Commission had spent Rs 30 lakh (only) on renovation of 2 toilets in Yojana Bhawan and Rs 5 lakh (only) was spent on installing door access control system.
Also 60 smart cards had been issued to use them, which means that toilet which is to be used by merely 60 persons.
So toilet meant for a handful of persons 35 lakhs were spent on its renovation.

Its is really sad to see data on poverty published by planning commission and lavish expenses incurred by them for toilets on. Even the daily expenses of the vice chairman on foreign visits exceeds Rs 2 lakh per day. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

A Common Mistake in English


We often make silly mistakes in use of two similar English words. The frequency of mistakes increases when the word are homophones(word that sound similar). Now starting this blog with two common words which are a used frequently by us in essays,composition or other places where these word are used. And the words are "affect" and "effect". We always put one in place of other and vice-versa. Many of us do not know difference and meaning of the two words and also their grammatical use.

Let us learn how to use them.

Starting with their meaning

Affect means "produce an effect on" and in Hindi it means "प्रभावित"
Effect means "result or consequence of an action" and in Hindi it means "प्रभाव"

Affect is verb and Effect is noun.

Take an example:-

Alcohol consumption affect liver.
The finance minister's meeting with RBI governor created no effect on stock market. 
comment and suggestions are welcomed.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Understanding Lattice Energy

Definition of Lattice Energy-Lattice energy is the energy released when one mole of an ionic compound is formed from its constituent gaseous ion. It is denoted by the expression ∆Hlatt.
Mathematically we can write it as,
∆Hlatt.⁼∆G + T∆S
You should confuse lattice energy with enthalpy of formation.

Lattice energy can be calculated using two methods:-
     The electrostatic method-the electrostatic method is a theoretical method and for calculation it is assumed that the bond is wholly ionic.

∆Hlatt (Lattice energy)=

The unit of energy here should be in kJ mol-1.

Where A and n are known as Madelung constant and born constant respectively.
 Z+  and  Z-  are charges on ions. And  a is internuclear distance in picometer(for calculation you have to convert it in meter by multiplying it by 10-12).

2.     Now arriving at the second method. This method is based on born-haber cycle. This method involves thermochemical calculation based on Hess’ law.

∆Hlatt (Lattice energy)=

Where ∆Hs= Heat of sublimation.
∆Hd = Heat of dissociation.
∆Hf= Heat of formation
I= Ionisation energy of solid
E= Electron affinity of gas.

Example and solution of some common compounds

Born haber cycle for NaCl

Where ∆Hs= 108.
∆Hd = 121.
∆Hf= -411
I= Ionisation energy of Na=495
E=electron affinity of Cl= -348

Inserting the value in the above equation we get
∆Hlatt= -411-(108+495+121-348) kJ/mol
              = -785 kJ/mol

Another example of  BaCl2

 ? represent del operator and in BaCl2 equation the product should be BaCl2 instead of NaCl2.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed.

Pinki Pramanik and controversies around

Pinki Pramanik who won many medals in games and Gold medal in Asian games as track athlete was arrested on 14 June 2012 after accusation of rape. Charges were made that she had hidden her gender identity and she was a male. MMS was also came in being which alleges that she is a male. Every one was shocked after such an incident. This is first such case of its kind.
Police arrested and send her to Dum Dum jail. A committee of expert were formed for her gender representation. The expert were doctors of SSKM hospital. Karyotyping test was conducted to cheak whether she was male or female. The report said that she was neither male nor female. 

The Barasat Court granted bail on 10 July 2012 saying that she cannot rape. Pinki was released from Jail on 11 July 2012.

Role of media and others:-
The local media played a dual role. They first favored the lady who framed charges against Pinki and after court order they started favoring the athlete. The print media along with display media came in full support of Pinki and alleged that Govt of West Bengal and sports minister had not taken any steps only after she released. 

Role of human right organisation:-
Human right organisation also played a dramatic role soon after the release of Pinki. They alleged sport minister for remaining silent and also blamed the police for ill treatment of the athlete.

In my view:-
It is good to see that media and human right activists are so active. They say only when the person is safe. The media person and human right activists are blaming Govt and Sports minister but they even do not know that a person charged with rape cannot be freed by Minister or Govt, the accused person have to move to court only for redressal of his grievances. The police was also not to be blames as they did what was according to law. However gender misrepresentation led police confuse and they had no women constable with them while arresting Pinki.
Also none have moved to court for favoring Pinki before she was released saying that she had kept in male ward or jail or something like this.
All(Media and Human rights) have come after the case was clear, court order favoring Pinki had came and she was released on bail.
The double behavior of these two responsible organisation always confuses Indian people.
The case was still on and let's see what happens next.
We must not forget that "Truth always Triumphs"