Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The God Particle significance

The God Particle is in news recently.The years of research led to a fruitful result.The god particle is actually called Higgs boson named after Peter Higgs and Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose. Its is elementary particle which is thought be the smallest particle discovered yet. Also it had been said by the scientist working at CERN in Geneva that it is particle from which all the sub atomic particles are made,although confirmation are not yet made and research is on. However it is a major success for the physicists all over the world. Some are saying that this particle is the particle which had created the vast universe after the Big Bang. 

Why Higgs boson is called god particle?

The physicist all round the globe trying the find this elementary particle but it was no so easy. Some of them got frustrated and say "GOD DAMN PARTICLE". One of the physicist reiterated the same word in an interview to a reporter. The reporter judged and removed the word "DAMN" from GOD DAMN PARTICLE for his newspaper article and from then "THE GOD PARTICLE" came in origin.

significance of god particle in science:-

It is one of the great discoveries of the century which will uncover the mysteries of universe. Many theories get discarded and many new theories will originate. The hunger for knowledge had led man to think and think and this thinking have changed our world and will continue to change.Let's welcome this discovery with open hands and cheers for the team working at CERN.

In a nutshell we can say that with the discovery of Higgs boson many questions got their quest and with that many new questions arose. This is called science where quest of knowledge never stops, failure of one is success of another and in this way the science moves and humanity benefits.

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